English Radio wave exposure and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information This mobile phone model LT22i has been designed to comply with applicable safety requirements for exposure to radio waves. These requirements are based on scientific guidelines that include safety margins designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.
2 W/kg na 10 (deset) gramů tkáně (k těmto zemím patří například země Evropská unie, Japonsko, Brazílie a Nový Zéland): Nejvyšší hodnota SAR pro tento model telefonu testovaný společností Sony pro použití v oblasti uší je 0,78 W/kg (10g). Dansk Oplysninger om eksponering med radiobølger og SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) Denne mobiltelefonmodel LT22i er designet, så...
2 W/kg fordelt over ti (10) gram væv (f.eks. EU- landene, Japan, Brasilien og New Zealand): Den højeste SAR-værdi for denne mobiltelefonmodel, som er testet af Sony til brug ved øret, er 0,78 W/kg (10g). Deutsch Informationen zu Funkfrequenzemissionen und den...
Ελληνικά Έκθεση σε ενέργεια ραδιοκυμάτων και ποσοστό απορρόφησης (SAR) Αυτό το μοντέλο τηλεφώνου LT22i, έχει σχεδιαστεί για να συμμορφώνεται με τις εφαρμοζόμενες απαιτήσεις ασφάλειας για την έκθεση σε ραδιοκύματα. Αυτές οι απαιτήσεις βασίζονται σε επιστημονικές οδηγίες οι οποίες περιλαμβάνουν όρια ασφάλειας μελετημένα για να εγγυώνται...
2 W/kg κατά μέσο όρο για δέκα (10) gr ιστού (για παράδειγμα Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, Ιαπωνία, Βραζιλία και Νέα Ζηλανδία): Η υψηλότερη τιμή του SAR για αυτό το μοντέλο τηλεφώνου όταν δοκιμάστηκε από την Sony για χρήση στο αυτί είναι 0,78 W/kg (10g). Español Información sobre exposición a las ondas de radio y coeficiente de absorción específica (SAR, Specific...
(10) gramos de tejido (por ejemplo, Unión Europea, Japón, Brasil y Nueva Zelanda): El valor de SAR más elevado para este modelo de teléfono cuando Sony realizó la prueba para su uso en la oreja era de 0,78 W/kg (10g). Suomi...
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(DAS, ou Specific Absorption Rate, SAR, en anglais) Ce modèle de téléphone mobile LT22i est conçu de manière à respecter les seuils de sécurité en vigueur relatifs à l’exposition aux ondes radio. Ces seuils ont été déterminés sur le fondement d’évaluations scientifiques qui ont intégré...
Magyar A rádióhullámok hatása és a Speciális Abszorpciós Rátával (SAR) kapcsolatos információk Kialakítása alapján ez a LT22i -as mobiltelefon-modell megfelel a rádiófrekvenciás energia kibocsátására vonatkozó hatályos biztonsági előírásoknak. Ezek a követelmények olyan tudományos irányelveken alapulnak, amelyek többek között az életkortól és az egészségi állapottól függetlenül tartalmazzák a mindenki számára védelmet nyújtó...
Bahasa Indonesia Informasi mengenai pemaparan terhadap gelombang radio dan Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Model telepon ini LT22i telah dirancang untuk mematuhi berbagai persyaratan keselamatan yang berlaku sehubungan dengan pemaparan terhadap gelombang radio. Persyaratan- persyaratan ini beralaskan panduan-panduan ilmiah yang mencakup ambang-ambang batas keselamatan yang sengaja telah dirancang untuk keselamatan semua orang, tanpa memperhatikan faktor usia dan kondisi kesehatannya.
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SAR (Specific Absorption Rate, Tasso di assorbimento specifico) Il presente telefono cellulare, modello LT22i, è stato progettato in conformità alle vigenti norme di sicurezza relative all'esposizione alle onde radio. Tali norme sono state definite sulla base di linee guida scientifiche, che prevedono margini di sicurezza tali da garantire la tutela qualunque individuo, a prescindere dall'età...
한국어 전자파 노출과 SAR(Specific Absorption Rate:전자파 인체흡수율) 정보 이 휴대폰 모델 LT22i은(는) 전자파 노출 관련 안전 규격을 준수하 도록 설계되었습니다. 이 안전 규격은 연령과 건강 상태에 상관없 이, 모든 사람들의 안전을 보장할 수 있도록, 일정 범위의 차이를 포 함하는 과학적 가이드라인을 기반으로 하고 있습니다.
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(10) gram weefselmassa (bijvoorbeeld de Europese Unie, Japan, Brazilië en Nieuw-Zeeland): De hoogste SAR-waarde voor dit model telefoon die werd gemeten tijdens tests die door Sony werden uitgevoerd voor gebruik bij het oor is 0,78 W/kg (10g). Norsk Informasjon om radiobølgestråling og...
SAR-grensen anbefalt av ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) (denne grensen er 2 W/kg fordelt over 10 gram kroppsvev): Den høyeste SAR-verdien Sony fant i tester av denne telefonmodellen når den ble brukt ved øret, er 0,78 W/kg (10 g). Polski Informacje o wpływie fal radiowych i...
Informações sobre a Taxa de Absorção Específica (SAR) e a exposição a ondas de rádio O modelo de telefone celular LT22i foi projetado para atender às exigências de segurança aplicáveis à exposição a ondas de rádio. Essas exigências têm como base diretrizes científicas que incluem margens de proteção projetadas para garantir a...
(Specific Absorption Rate - SAR) Acest model de telefon mobil LT22i a fost proiectat pentru a corespunde cerinţelor de siguranţă aplicabile în cazul expunerii la unde radio. Aceste cerinţe se bazează pe norme determinate în mod ştiinţific care includ margini de siguranţă...
2 W/kg în medie pe probe de (10) grame de ţesut (de exemplu Uniunea Europeană, Japonia, Brazilia şi Noua Zeelandă): Cea mai înaltă valoare SAR pentru acest model de telefon, la testarea efectuată de către Sony pentru utilizare lângă ureche, este de 0,78 W/kg (10g). Русский Информация о воздействии...
Information om exponering för radiovågor och specifik absorptionsnivå (Specific Absorption Rate, SAR) Den här mobiltelefonen av modell LT22i har utformats för att uppfylla tillämpliga säkerhetskrav beträffande exponering för radiovågor. Dessa krav är baserade på vetenskapliga riktlinjer som innehåller säkerhetmarginaler som är utformade för att garantera allas säkerhet, oavsett ålder och hälsotillstånd.
Det högsta SAR-värdet för denna telefonmodell vid tester utförda av Sony för användning vid örat är 0,78 W/kg (10g). Türkçe Radyo dalgasına maruz kalma ve Özgül Emiş Oranı (SAR) bilgileri Bu cep telefonu modeli, LT22i, radyo dalgaları na maruz kalma ile ilgili, yürürlükteki güvenlik gerekliliklerine uyacak şekilde...
This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Any change or modification not expressly approved by Sony may void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Industry Canada Statement This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
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Declaration of Conformity for LT22i We, Sony Mobile Communications AB of Nya Vattentornet SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden declare under our sole responsibility that our product Sony type AAD-3880135-BV and in combination with our accessories, to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the appropriate standards EN 301 511:V9.0.2, EN 301 908-1:V4.2.1, EN 301...
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انجام Täytämme radio- ja telepäätelaitedirektiivin (1999/5/EY) asettamat vaatimukset. Ce produit est conforme à la directive R&TTE (1999/5/EC). Sony cumpre cos requisitos esixidos pola directiva R&TTE (1999/5/EC). Mun cika sharaɗin bayanin R&TTE (99/5/EC). Mi ispunjavamo zahtjeve R&TTE Direktive (1999/5/EC). Teljesítjük az R&TTE irányelv (1999/5/EC) követelményeit.
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Spełniamy wymagania dyrektywy R&TTE (1999/5/WE). São cumpridos os requisitos da Directiva R&TTE (1999/5/EC). Îndeplinim cerinţele Directivei R&TTE (1999/5/EC). Изделие удовлетворяет требованиям Директивы R&TTE (1999/5/EC). Výrobok spĺňa požiadavky smernice R&TTE (1999/5/EC). Izpolnjujemo zahteve direktive za radijsko in telekomunikacijsko terminalsko opremo (1999/5/ES). Ne përmbushim kërkesat e direktivës R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
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Uygunluk Beyanı LT22i Sony Mobile Communications AB Nya Vattentornet SE-221 88 Lund, İsveç olarak biz, ürünümüz Sony type AAD-3880135-BV ile birlikte bu beyanın atıfta bulunduğu tüm aksesuarlarımızın, EN 301 511:V9.0.2, EN 301 908-1:V4.2.1, EN 301 908-2:V4.2.1, EN 300 328:V1.7.1, EN 300 440-2:V1.4.1, EN 301 489-7:V1.3.1, EN 301 489-17:V2.1.1, EN 301 489-24:V1.5.1, EN 301...
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Sony Mobile Communications AB SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden 1264-4918.2...
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SAR Information FCC Statement Declaration of Conformity Sony LT22i UMTS HSPA Band 1 2 5 8 GSM GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900...
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English Radio wave exposure and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information This mobile phone model LT22i has been designed to comply with applicable safety requirements for exposure to radio waves. These requirements are based on scientific guidelines that include safety margins designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.
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This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Any change or modification not expressly approved by Sony may void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
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Industry Canada Statement This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
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Declaration of Conformity for LT22i We, Sony Mobile Communications AB of Nya Vattentornet SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden declare under our sole responsibility that our product Sony type AAD-3880135-BV and in combination with our accessories, to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the appropriate standards EN 301 511:V9.0.2, EN 301 908-1:V4.2.1,...
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Sony Mobile Communications AB SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden 1264-4933.1...
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SAR Information FCC Statement Declaration of Conformity Sony LT22i UMTS HSPA Band 1 2 5 8 GSM GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900...
THIS PHONE MODEL HAS BEEN CERTIFIED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE GOVERNMENT’S REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPOSURE TO RADIO WAVES. The LT22i Series mobile phones have been designed to comply with applicable safety requirements for exposure to radio waves. Your wireless phone is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed to not exceed the limits* of exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by governmental authorities.
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distance of 10mm. Use of third-party accessories may result in different SAR levels than those reported. **Before a phone model is available for sale to the public in the US, it must be tested and certified by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that it does not exceed the limit established by the government-adopted requirement for safe exposure*.
CE MODÈLE DE TÉLÉPHONE A ÉTÉ CERTIFIÉ CONFORME AUX EXIGENCES GOUVERNEMENTALES RELATIVES À L'EXPOSITION AUX ONDES RADIOÉLECTRIQUES. Les téléphones mobiles de la LT22i ont été conçus pour répondre aux normes de sécurité en vigueur en matière d'exposition aux ondes radioélectriques. Votre téléphone sans fil est un émetteur et un récepteur radio.
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à l’écart de toute pièce en métal, ou lorsqu’il est utilisé de façon adéquate avec un accessoire Sony et porté sur le corps. Pour les appareils munis de la fonctionnalité « point d'accès WiFi », en mode d'utilisation porté sur le corps, les mesures du TAS de l'appareil en mode WiFi ont été...
CONFORME A LOS REQUISITOS GUBERNAMENTALES PARA LA EXPOSICIÓN A ONDAS DE RADIO. Los teléfonos móviles de la Serie LT22i han sido diseñados según los requisitos de seguridad aplicables para la exposición a ondas de radio. Su teléfono inalámbrico es un transmisor y receptor de radio.
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Sony. En lo que respecta a los dispositivos que cuentan con la funcionalidad “Zona activa WiFi”, las medidas SAR del uso cerca...
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Latin & South America Radio wave exposure and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information The LT22i Series mobile phones have been designed to comply with applicable safety requirements for exposure to radio waves. These requirements are based on scientific guidelines that include safety margins designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.
é o limite médio de 2 W/kg em dez (10) gramas de tecido (por exemplo, União Européia, Japão, Brasil e Nova Zelândia). Quando testado pela Sony, o valor de SAR mais alto para este modelo de telefone para uso junto ao ouvido foi de 0,78 W/kg (10g).
This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Any change or modification not expressly approved by Sony may void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Industry Canada Statement This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
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Declaration of Conformity for LT22i We, Sony Mobile Communications AB of Nya Vattentornet SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden declare under our sole responsibility that our product Sony type AAD-3880135-BV and in combination with our accessories, to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the appropriate standards EN 301 511:V9.0.2, EN 301 908-1:V4.2.1, EN 301...
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Sony Mobile Communications AB SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden 1264-4923.1...
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SAR Information FCC Statement Declaration of Conformity Sony LT22i UMTS HSPA Band 1 2 5 8 GSM GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900...
English This model meets international guidelines for exposure to radio waves Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio waves recommended by international guidelines. These guidelines were developed by the independent scientific organization ICNIRP and include safety margins designed to assure the protection of all persons, regardless of age and health.
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For more information about this topic, please refer to the WHO document (Memo No. 193, Electromagnetic Fields and Public Health, Mobile phones and their base stations), available at: (http://www.who.int/emf)..........*The tests are carried out in accordance with international guidelines for testing.
Hodnota SAR je měřena při nejvyšším vysílacím výkonu zařízení. Skutečná hodnota SAR při provozu zařízení je tedy obvykle pod hodnotami uvedenými výše. Je to proto, že úroveň výkonu zařízení se mění automaticky tak, aby zařízení používalo nejnižší možnou úroveň nutnou pro kontakt se sítí. Podle stanoviska Světové...
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eine Entfernung von mindestens 15 mm zwischen Gerät und Körper sicherstellt. Die Verwendung anderen Zubehörs kann zu einer Verletzung der Richtlinien zu Funkfrequenzemissionen führen. Die Richtlinien basieren auf einer Maßeinheit namens SAR (Specific Absorption Rate). Der SAR-Grenzwert für Mobilfunkgeräte beträgt 2 W/kg und der höchste SAR-Wert, der bei Tests dieses Geräts am Ohr ermittelt wurde, betrug 0,78 W/kg (10 g)*.
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Ελληνικά Αυτό το μοντέλο ικανοποιεί τις διεθνείς οδηγίες σχετικά με την έκθεση σε ραδιοκύματα Το κινητό σας τηλέφωνο είναι ένας πομποδέκτης ραδιοσυχνοτήτων. Είναι σχεδιασμένο ώστε να μην υπερβαίνει τα όρια έκθεσης σε ραδιοκύματα, τα οποία συνιστώνται από τις διεθνείς οδηγίες. Αυτές οι οδηγίες συντάχθηκαν από...
προφυλάξεων σχετικά με τη χρήση των κινητών συσκευών. Σημειώνει ότι εάν θέλετε να ελαττώσετε την έκθεσή σας, τότε μπορείτε να πετύχετε κάτι τέτοιο μειώνοντας τη διάρκεια των κλήσεων ή χρησιμοποιώντας μια διάταξη handsfree, ώστε να διατηρείται το κινητό τηλέφωνο μακριά από το κεφάλι...
más alto para este dispositivo cuando se realizó la prueba para su uso en la oreja era de 0,78 W/kg (10g)*. Puesto que los dispositivos móviles ofrecen una amplia variedad de funciones, se pueden utilizar en otras posiciones, como en el cuerpo. En caso de llevarse directamente en el cuerpo, el valor SAR probado más elevado es de 0,85 W/kg (10g)*.
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scientifique indépendant, et comportent des marges de sécurité destinées à garantir la protection de toutes les personnes, quels que soient leur âge et leur état de santé. Ce téléphone a été testé pour une utilisation en contact avec le corps. Il répond aux recommandations d’exposition aux signaux hautes fréquences pour une utilisation avec un accessoire qui ne contient aucun métal et pour autant que le combiné...
Pour plus d’informations reportez-vous aux sites Web de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (http://www.who.int/emf) ou de Vodafone (http://www.vodafone.com)..........*Tests effectués conformément aux recommandations internationales en matière de test.
koristi samo najnižu izlaznu snagu koja je potrebna za ostvarivanje veze na mreži. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (World Health Organization) izjavila je da postojeća znanstvena istraživanja ne ukazuju na potrebu bilo kakvih posebnih mjera predostrožnosti prilikom korištenja mobilnih uređaja. No, napominju da, ako želite smanjiti količinu izlaganja, to možete učiniti tako da ograničite trajanje poziva ili tako da koristite handsfree uređaj, što vam omogućuje da mobilni telefon držite dalje od glave i tijela.
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Más tartozékok használata esetén nem garantálható a rádiófrekvenciás energiakibocsátásra vonatkozó irányelveknek való megfelelés. Ezek az irányelvek az SAR (Speciális abszorpciós ráta) nevû mértéket alkalmazzák. A mobilkészülékekre vonatkozó SAR- határérték 2 W/kg, és a jelen készüléknek az emberi fül közvetlen közelében való tesztelése során mért legmagasabb SAR-érték 0,78 W/kg (10 g)* volt.
Íslenska Þessi gerð uppfyllir alþjóðlegar viðmiðunarreglur um áhrif frá útvarpsbylgjum. Farsíminn þinn sendir frá sér og tekur á móti útvarpsbylgjum. Hann er hannaður til að fara ekki yfir það hámark útvarpsbylgna sem mælt er með í alþjóðlegum viðmiðunarreglum. Þessar viðmiðunarreglur voru þróaðar af ICNIRP, sjálfstæðri vísindastofnun, og þar er að...
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eða nota handfrjálsan búnað til að halda farsímanum frá höfði og líkama. Frekari upplýsingar er hægt að finna á vefsvæði Alþjóðaheilbrigðismálastofnunarinnar (http://www.who.int/emf) eða á Vodafone (http://www.vodafone.com)..........*Prófanir eru framkvæmdar í...
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contatto con il corpo. Nel caso in cui il telefono cellulare è a stretto contatto con il corpo, il valore SAR massimo registrato durante il test è stato di 0,85 W/kg (10g)*. Poiché il SAR viene calcolato in base al livello massimo di potenza di trasmissione dei dispositivi, l'effettivo valore di SAR di questo dispositivo durante il funzionamento è...
Nederlands Dit model voldoet aan de internationale richtlijnen voor blootstelling aan radiogolven Uw mobiele apparaat is een radiozender en –ontvanger. Het model is ontworpen om onder de grenzen voor blootstelling aan radiogolven te blijven die worden aanbevolen in internationale richtlijnen. Deze richtlijnen zijn ontwikkeld door de onafhankelijke wetenschappelijke organisatie ICNIRP en bevatten veiligheidsmarges die de veiligheid te van alle personen waarborgen, ongeacht hun leeftijd of gezondheid.
Vanuit de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie is bekend gemaakt dat het op basis van de huidige wetenschappelijke informatie niet noodzakelijk is om speciale voorzorgsmaatregelen te nemen bij het gebruik van mobiele apparaten. Ook is er uitgelegd dat u de blootstelling kunt beperken door de lengte van gesprekken te beperken of door een handsfree apparaat te gebruiken waarmee u het apparaat op een afstand van het hoofd en lichaam houdt.
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As orientações utilizam uma unidade de medida designada por Specific Absorption Rate (Taxa de Absorção Específica) ou SAR. O limite de SAR para dispositivos móveis é 2 W/kg e o valor de SAR mais elevado para este dispositivo quando testado junto ao ouvido foi de 0,78 W/kg (10g)*.
Polski Ten model spełnia międzynarodowe zalecenia dotyczące oddziaływania fal radiowych To urządzenie mobilne jest nadajnikiem i odbiornikiem radiowym. Zostało ono zaprojektowane tak, by nie przekraczało limitów oddziaływania fal radiowych wskazanych w zaleceniach międzynarodowych. Zalecenia te opracowała niezależna organizacja naukowa ICNIRP i uwzględniają one marginesy bezpieczeństwa gwarantujące ochronę...
Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia (WHO) oświadczyła, że dostępne aktualnie informacje naukowe nie wskazują na potrzebę stosowania specjalnych środków ostrożności podczas korzystania z urządzeń mobilnych. WHO stwierdza, że chcąc zmniejszyć oddziaływanie fal radiowych, należy ograniczyć długość połączeń lub używać urządzenia głośnomówiącego w celu oddalenia telefonu komórkowego od głowy i reszty ciała.
mobile este de 2 W/kg, iar valoarea maximă SAR măsurată pentru acest dispozitiv în timpul testelor la nivelul urechii a fost de 0,78 W/kg (10g)*. Datorită faptului că dispozitivele mobile oferă o gamă largă de funcţii, ele pot fi folosite în diverse poziţii, inclusiv purtate pe corp.
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smernice. Te je sestavila neodvisna znanstvena organizacija ICNIRP in dajejo precejšnjo varnostno rezervo, ki zagotavlja varnost vseh oseb, ne glede na starost in zdravstveno stanje. Telefon je bil preizkušen za nošenje na telesu in ustreza smernicam za izpostavljenost RF pri uporabi dodatkov za nošenje, ki ne vsebuje kovine in ki telefon drži najmanj 15 mm od telesa.
Sesotho Mmotlolo ona o ikamahanya le melawana ya matjhaba e mabapi le kgahlamelo ya maqhubu a radio Selfounu ya hao e romela le ho amohela maqhubu a radio. E bopetswe ho se fete meedi ya kgahlamelo ya maqhubu a radio e kgothaletswang ke melawana ya matjhaba.
Mokgatlo wa lefatshe wa bophelo o boletse hore tlhahisoleseding e fumanehang hajwale ya saense ha e bontshe ho hlokeha dikgato dife kapa dife tse kgethehileng bakeng sa tshebediso ya diselfounu. Ba hlakisitse hore haeba o batla ho fokotsa kgahlamelo maqhubung a radio o ka etsa jwalo ka ho fokotsa palo ya di-call kapa ka ho sebedisa sesebediswa se kathoko sa hands-free ho boloka selfounu e le thoko le hlooho le mmele.
için SAR sınırı 2 W/kg’dır ve bu cihaz kulakta test edildiğinde SAR değeri 0,78 W/kg (10g)* olarak ölçülmüştür. Mobil cihazların çok çeşitli fonksiyonlar sunmaları nedeniyle, farklı konumlarda da kullanılabilirler, örneğin vücutta. Telefonun doğrudan vücutta taşınması durumunda, ölçülen en yüksek SAR değeri 0,85 W/kg (10g)* olarak ölçülmüştür.
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This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Any change or modification not expressly approved by Sony may void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
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Industry Canada Statement This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
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Declaration of Conformity for LT22i We, Sony Mobile Communications AB of Nya Vattentornet SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden declare under our sole responsibility that our product Sony type AAD-3880135-BV and in combination with our accessories, to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the appropriate standards EN 301 511:V9.0.2, EN 301 908-1:V4.2.1, EN 301...
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Cumplimos los requisitos de la Directiva R&TTE (1999/5/EC). Ce produit est conforme à la directive R&TTE (1999/5/EC). Mi ispunjavamo zahtjeve R&TTE Direktive (1999/5/EC). Teljesítjük az R&TTE irányelv (1999/5/EC) követelményeit. Við uppfyllum R&TTE tilskipunina (1999/5/EB). Il prodotto soddisfa i requisiti della Direttiva R&TTE (1999/5/EC). We voldoen aan de vereisten die in de R&TTE-richtlijn (1999/5/EG) worden gesteld.
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Uygunluk Beyanı LT22i Sony Mobile Communications AB Nya Vattentornet SE-221 88 Lund, İsveç olarak biz, ürünümüz Sony type AAD-3880135-BV ile birlikte bu beyanın atıfta bulunduğu tüm aksesuarlarımızın, EN 301 511:V9.0.2, EN 301 908-1:V4.2.1, EN 301 908-2:V4.2.1, EN 300 328:V1.7.1, EN 300 440-2:V1.4.1, EN 301 489-7:V1.3.1, EN 301 489-17:V2.1.1, EN 301 489-24:V1.5.1, EN 301...
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Sony Mobile Communications AB SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden 1264-4906.1...